Free Windows 7 Help.

Many people are running Windows 7, thinking about Screenshotupgrading, and some have preordered.  With something as big as Windows 7 many people need help.  Usually people do not want to pay to get help.  The cheapest and likely friendliest form of support is in the question and answer format.

A friend of mine set up a QnA site specifically for Windows 7.  It is completely free to use, and easy to sign up for an account.  It is the Windows 7 QnA on Ning.


A bit of history:

A while back there was a Windows Live QnA hosted by Microsoft.  Many people were asking questions about Windows 7 on it.  But when Microsoft decided to close down the QnA those people would not have somewhere to go.  So a friend I made on the QnA decided to make the Windows 7 QnA for Windows 7 questions.

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